Government review rejects Auckland underground rail case figures

Tranzwatching Auckland, New Zealand

In a major set back for Auckland, the Ministry of Transport and NZ Transport Agency review of results of Auckland city studies of running an underground rail loop from Britomart across to Mt Eden have been rejected. Although costings were seen as accurate cost-benefit studies were seriously challenged, the Ministry review determining far, far lower value in transport benefits and minimal reduction in congestion. But Auckland's Mayor Len Brown is determined that the $2.4 billion the project will go ahead.

A link describing the project more fully is also contained with- in this report


  1. I wonder if other non-jafas feel as I do, such mixed feelings. One part of me feels at last the monster has been stopped in its tracks - this is a city only three times the size of Christchurch consuming enormous amounts of money per capita for its motorways and public transport. This breathing space might allow other centres to come in with their requirements for infrastructure support. Another part of me thinks what sort of cheap game play would plan a major rail centre (Britomart) in such a pattern it is almost dysfunctional already, without exit rail corridors that per se, have to go underground. Yeah right. But most of all for all its glamour and great expense how effective is rail of this nature anyway, when you add in the extra walking distance, bus/car usage, time and cost needed to make rail functional, subtle costs rarely mentioned in systems that are anyway hugely expensive to build, operate, subsidise. Brisbane has 117 busways, last I heard - four or five busway corridors, but dozens of express routes that can feed on and off them, meaning quick journeys closer to destinations.


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