....they have no idea how appallingly bad public transport is in New Zealand if measured against any genuine vision of reducing car use in New Zealand Most bus systems are still running 1950's style, many places around the world. Here a Christchurch example, on weekend hourly bus services, these two serving adjacent locations, common key points, and the same broad suburban area of Christchurch, by different routes running five minutes apart (yeah right!!).** This typical waste of resources by bizarrely named Environment Canterbury reflects outdated and dis-integrated planning in this age when bus lanes, computers, computer chip cards, GPS should be offering "go any direction" effective interactive grid pattern networks. Updated June 8 & October 2 2013 This is the second most viewed posting on NZ in Tranzit - 17, 452 page views to Feb 2018. Imagine if school committees by law had to be run only by people who had neve...
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