YUBE CINEMA - Moving Images!

Mein Host

Hi Welcome to the bug(s) house!

This is a mini youtube movie theatre with continuous screenings, 24/7,  but a limited range of movies, [most now 'historic' - 2022] . 

Links are mostly to transit related movies, bus trains and trams of all sorts, and the occasional heritage or urban infrastructure feature. Latest additions at top of list to make it easier for the regulars

Billions are typically spent on Subways but Brisbane put its central city bus system underground allowing up to 300 buses an hour to travel direct from city centre to all corners of the city via busway corridors. This You Tube from the engineering firm responsible .

London's double deckers are back in style. quieter, cleaner and greener than ever  with wider doors and (a victory for common sense and what works in practice despite pc) the return of the open rear platform. London Lord Mayor Boris Johnson introduces a prototype.

Electric buses that recharge at the end of the route, that offer the quiet pollution free running and the same gearless smooth acceleration and deceleration of trams will probably be the norm worldwide by 2020.

Gardensity - fantastic vision from architectural students of Christchurch city centre home to a high rise like none before!! 

Bus Sliding Down Hill in Recent Snowstorm - snow is rare in Seattle and like Christchurch the city is not really equipped to handle the effects or dangers

Flyover Florida - not really a movie but a fascinating series of aerial photographs brought to the attention of transitspotters by Jarrett Walker of "Human Transit" blog

More spin than a candy floss machine !! - how Brampton, Ontario's,  new BRT system Zum is advertising itself [go to "Video Gallery' on site]

Free-Wheeling - Bikes on  the Northern Gateway  motorway and tunnel...pity it couldn't last!

Northern Gateway Project (North of Auckland) ....about  project by Fulton Hogan

Auckland's Motorway Enthusiasm! from about 50 years ago

London's iconic double decker is being reborn and rebuilt for the 21st century

Bus driver goes insane? (Not quite)

Horrific highway collision between bus and multiple cars in China
every bus driver's nightmare (as the obscure translation infers - one second's loss of concentration or misjudgement.....

Japanese commuter trains, loading techniques 

Danish bus drivers birthday present

Cycling around a bus stop in the Netherlands

Well ahead in organising cities to protect cyclists and foster public transport, this Dutch You Tune demonstrates a simple but effective combination of design strategy and technology at work. 

Bogota - The City that re-invented the city bus?

BRT - Bus Rapid Transit Mini Documentary in Two parts
Includes short interviews with Brisbane, Bogota, Curatiba BRT operations planners and administrators

Part 1                                     Part 2

Bus Rapid Transit - Phileas Eindhoven
Promotional video from 2004 of this Dutch system (9 minutes)

Cool Ad for Metlink service (no vehicles needed!)

Mobilien: Paris Version of Bus Rapid Transit
How Paris retrofitted city streets with a segregated busway

Christchurch's Airport Lounge style Bus Exchange 

Demolished following 2011 Earthquakes

Brilliant concept but built on the cheap without future -proofing for growth, soon too many buses clogged streets. Even without the earthquake just another example of Christchurch trying to things on the cheap while Auckland Wellington were spending hundreds of millions!. This film itself was a quick promo made by Connexions - a home town firm which sells and installs RealTime signage systems worldwide

A bit of Dunedin nostalgia - trolley buses in the 1970s

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