Bus plan - a city going nowhere fast!
Ramped access, door level loading, full veranda shelter, on busway system in Mexico Christchurch City Council and Environment Canterbury are planning a new Riccarton Super Stop to reduce travel times on the city’s busiest bus route I have campaigned for 36 years to get decent public transport. I still vomit when I see such nonsensical bullshit as this.. Super stop?? As far as I can see this is just a bus shelter with a slightly enclosed bay - very much like the semi-enclosed bus shelters that used to be outside the public hospital or in The Square when I first arrived in Christchurch in 1970. Except more glass. Back to the 1950s?? ... reduced travel times - ....come on !! How does creating a often crowded bus stop on a busy arterial "increase travel times" in any significant way. What utter nonsense All the genuinely fast bus services in the world nowadays are being built on exclusive busways, not pissing around in the odd hop...