Strategy could boost Canterbury provincial bus services significantly
Unlike regional councils in other areas ECan takes no responsibility for supporting or enhancing regional public transport systems, or addressing the environmental issue that it is the longest car journeys that do the most damage in global atmospheric conditions. There is no effective region wide commuter system at all, and no effective Riccarton bus interchange (for cross town links) that incorporates long distance services - as is obvious from the Intercity coach drop-off point above! NOTE This blog was originally posted on January 29 2010; it upgraded and amended, with all photos added January 24 2014 A couple of months back I suggested that Environment Canterbury had created reasonably effective services to some parts of the greater Christchurch metropolitan area (Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Lincoln etc) but seemed to pay no regard to regional services. Over 30 million Government dollars have been funnelled into Wellington's regional rail links to the Wair...