Christchurch Metro - Where now ?
Temporary Bus Exchange at Parkside as autumn heads for winter. Nine weeks on - What is Metro's next step ? The temporary bus service for Christchurch city gratefully received in the week immediately after the February 22nd earthquake is starting to wear a bit thin, particularly so now it is two months down the track and wintery weather starts to get more common.For those dependent upon buses the complications of the temporary or emergency cut deeply into their time and freedom, in ways that often seem unnecessary. I think it would be reassuring for most people to know what Metro's game plan, because the current set-up seems a long way away from being adequate. BACK TO WORK It is believed about 10,000 people have lost their jobs due to businesses that have collapsed, literally or financially, or can't be accessed because of the expected closure of some central areas for many months while several unsafe high rises ar...