TRANZWATCH - public transport news monitor

 Blogs are a sort of underground equivalent of a newspaper column, a great vehicle for people to sound off their opinions or try to bring together a range of unrelated bits and pieces and hopefully weave an entertaining or informative story from the bits.

Doing a blog is a style of writing, immediate but loose and not merely dry reporting  that suits my personality and I enjoy it a great deal. However only a small portion of data from my researched sources gets aired.  I would like to share much more of the world of public transport than the just the topics raised in the two or three opinion pieces I write a week.

TRANZWATCH is a new NEWS page, on the permanent pages[see sidebar]  which will be updated fairly constantly, for any person interested in public transport issues to dunk into when they choose,  Reports will be closely linked to the main focus of this blog,  Christchurch NZ and its public transport system, and after that, public transport in other similar sized cities (200,000-800,000) in countries of shared and roughly similar demography - Canada, Australia, NZ.

In general larger CANZ cities [Sydney, Toronto etc] or other parts of the world will not be covered unless employing interesting technologies, policies or concepts that could be of value in smaller systems. As modern bus technologies are more relevant and economic for smaller low density cities, this will get greater coverage than rail. Regional and intercity rail and bus services in NZ will also be covered because these are also important to car less lifestyles. Cycling and skating are alternative forms of transport well covered in other blogs etc and will get just random bits and pieces. Almost all items will offer a direct click through link to relevant sources or reports, with occasional comments or added background info.

So still a quirky mix, but much broader in "raw" material and original reports accessable.
Items posted will probably be deleted after about two weeks, but I will keep an archive,  readers are welcome to write to  if enquiring about an item or its source no longer on display


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