Christchurch - Apocalypse Now, but good coffee is on the way

Photo Credit; - Apocalypse Now? The much battered and demolished city of Christchurch as photographed from the top of the Alice in Videoland building in which C1 Espresso Cafe is setting up a new cafe. High St. foreground. Photo Credit; - High Street looking North, Grand Chancellor no more, wall on left is the interior side of the West wall of the Excelsior Hotel! I am very aware many people I know, particularly over 40, are not on Facebook., so I asked the cafe's permission to show some samples of photos from their Facebook site on this blog, generously they said yes but can you credit our Facebook address. More background also here, on the C1 Espresso Cafe on their original website Much of this area of the central city is still "red-stickered" - no entry to non-authorised persons, because so many demolitions are still going on. The three highest buildings i...