One-Way One-Way, Another Christchurch Option?

There is great debate in Christchurch at the moment about removing the twin sets of one-way streets that encircle the central city. This system, completed in 1972 has a through route in each direction heading south north, west, east on each side of the city centre, Cathedral Square. The two main argument against these streets appear to be they pull (unnecessarily) suburban traffic through the central area, using the city as a short-cut across the central city block. Secondly they tend to kill streets commercially and appear to be less safe relaxed spaces for pedestrians and cyclists. A major factor is the speed of the onrushing wave of traffic on synchronised lights, also the fact that it is difficult to go back if a parking space is missed or on the other side of two lanes of fast moving traffic. The arguments for removing the one way system to me seem very weak - many of the two-way streets in the city are already clogged, and converting all streets to two-way means more traff...